In the last 16 bytes of bank 3 (keyboard mapping):
0xBFFB | Bit 7 is the middle button status (1=pressed). |
0xBFFD | Bits b4 to b0 are the low bits of the vertical movement counter. |
Then, plus the addition of the very valuable information showed in the Richard Fairhurst website the low level interface of PCW KeyMouse is:
0xBFFB | b7: middle button status b6 to b0: horizontal movement counter |
0xBFFC | b7 to b6: high bits of vertical movement counter |
0xBFFD | b4 to b0: low bits of vertical movement counter |
0xBFFE | b7: left button status b6: right button status |
For button status: Bit = 1 if button pressed, otherwise = 0.
Values for movement counters: 0 to 127, but when 0 is decreased in 1, 127 is the result, and when 127 is increased in 1, 0 is the result.
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