Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New FloppySoftware website

I'm proud to announce my new website, where are uploaded all my software projects:

The old url is not valid now, please, update your links.

Thanks, and sorry if any inconvenience.

Friday, September 4, 2015

New release of MESCC: v1.08 - 04 Sep 2015

It's available a new release of MESCC: v1.08 - 04 Sep 2015.

It has only a small change, that will enable (optionally) the support for directory names, under CP/M.

See the library cpm.h for more details.

SamaruX and directory names

SamaruX has now support for directory names.

With the use of the new built-in command diralias, you can reference a directory (a drive and user specification) with a name.


diralias root a0:
diralias temp m0:
diralias mescc a3:

cat mescc:sx.c | more
ls root:*.x
cd root:

It's a good idea to include the diralias commands in you SamaruX profile.